Membership is open to all students regardless of their level of familiarity with the Catholic faith. We welcome everyone to join and those who are curious about Catholicism or looking for a supportive faith community.
Come join us for our meetings during lunch in Mr. Fentons classroom - 23. Fall Semester we are meeting about every 2 weeks on Fridays.
We gather to grow closer together as Catholics and to represent our religion on campus where usually we strive to hide our religion. We are here to be open about our faith and praise God and strive to be better humans and represent God in our everyday lives.
We gather together to have fun, eat pizza, (sometimes donuts) play some games or do a fun activity together and listen to a talk that relates to our lives as teenagers in our day of age by our Pastor and Priest, Father Colin. Come join us to see what it is about! We hope to see you at our meetings and always feel free to invite a friend!
Our club supervisor is Mr. Fenton, the President is Lily Faist, the Vice President is Jesse Santacruz, the Secretary is Maria Neco, the Treasurer is Isaac Wright, and the Student Body Representative is Aidan Garcia. Feel free to contact any of these leaders to get information about Catholic Club or any questions you have.