Friday, December 13 (B Day)
- Class change request forms for next semester are due back to Laura in the counseling office by December 16th. No exceptions.
- Attention Seniors: Any Senior Apparel that you would like to be corrected needs to be returned to Alena in the office TODAY by 4:00pm. Any items not returned by December 13th will not be able to get corrected.
- Mr. Duggan & Ms Lambrose are now tied for who has collected the most boxes of food for the Latinx Club food drive. They have collected 7 full boxes! Help break the tie!
- On Friday, December 20th, the Wellness Center will be hosting an Affirmation Rock Painting craft in the quad during the extended lunch
- We are beyond proud of the students who had the courage to compete in our Motherlode Section Speaking Contest. For some of you, it's the first time you're stepping into the blue jacket to compete in an LDE Competition, and for some of you, it's your last. Congrats to the following students:
Gabriella Fields placed 2nd overall in Creed Recitation and will move on to regionals in March.
Emma Besag placed 4th overall in Creed Recitation
Justin Huson, Emma Besag, and Gabriella Fields 4th Overall Best Informed Greenhand Team
Alisson Villa Lamas placed 4th overall in Prepared Public Speaking
Holly Withrow placed 6th overall in Prepared Public Speaking
Drake Miller placed 5th Overall in Extemporaneous Public Speaking
Congratulations to all our competitors.
12/13 JV/V Boys Soccer vs. El Dorado – 4:30, 6:30 @ El Dorado
JV/V Girls Soccer vs. Ripon Christian Soccer Classic – Time TBA @ Ripon Christian
12/14 JV/V Girls Soccer vs. Ripon Christian Soccer Classic – Time TBA @ Ripon Christian
JV Boys/Girls Wrestling vs Livingston Tournament – 9 am @ Livingston
V Boys Wrestling vs. Bay Area 61 – 9 am @ Castro Valley High
Happy Birthday:
Trenton Agustin
Drake Miller
Adalia Vasquez
Isaac Wright