January 28, 2025
Wednesday, January 29 (A Day - Early Release)
- GSA meeting in Mrs. Clark's Room 17 at lunch on Thursday. If you're not in the Google Classroom and want to be, please come to the meeting, and we'll make sure you are. Everyone is welcome!
- Winter formal tickets will be sold starting February 1st in the Quad. Tickets will cost $20 without an ASB card and $15 with an ASB card. Winter Formal is on Friday, February 14th, at the Sutter Creek Auditorium. Pizza will be available to buy at the dance. The theme is "Love In The Air" for Valentine’s Day.
- Attention FFA Students - Applications are now available for the 2025 California FFA State Conference. The conference will take place at the Golden One Center in Sacramento in April. We have 20 spots available and we will be holding an Application Workshop in Ms.Woolsey's Room (25) at lunch on January 28th at lunch. All applications are due by February 4th by 3:30 pm, no exceptions.
- Guest Dance Forms for Winter Homecoming are now available in the front office. All students wanting to bring a non-Argonaut guest to Winter Homecoming must have a Guest Form completed and approved prior to purchasing their dance tickets. All completed forms are due Wednesday, February 12th. Please see Alena in the office with any questions.
- Attention Seniors:
- Your Cap/Gown/Argonaut Tassel order forms are due Friday, January 31st. Please turn in your order forms to Alena in the office ASAP or come to the office with any questions.
- The deadline to sign up for the Senior Trip is Friday, February 14th! If you have not yet signed up for the Senior Trip but would like to attend, please see Alena in the office for an order form.
Happy Birthday:
Ryan Medina
BBB FS/JV/V vs. Union Mine – 4:00/5:30/7:00 @ Union Mine
GBB JV/V vs. Union Mine – 5:30/7:00 @ Argonaut
Boys Soccer JV/Vvs. Liberty Ranch – 4:30/6:30 @ Liberty Ranch
Girls Soccer JV/V vs. Liberty Ranch – 4:30/6:30 @ Argonaut Liberty Ranch