February 7, 2025
Friday, February 7 (B Day)
- Catholic Club will be meeting today during lunch in Mr. Fenton's classroom
- Congratulations to Mitzi McDaniel for her Poetry Out Loud Logo design. She captured the vision of the POL competition and competed in the logo design contest with many other students from the Amador community. This design will be used at the Amador Arts Council as a representation of student expertise in 2025. Give her a big congratulations when you see her.
- Attention all juniors: RYLA Leadership Camp 2025 applications are now available in the Counseling Office! Be part of a week-long leadership training program with social activities during the summer weeks of June 15th to June 20th or June 22nd to June 27th. Applications and your short essay are due Thursday, February 20th, by 3:00 pm to the Counseling Office. Mandatory interviews are scheduled for February 26th.
- Track & Field Athletes: Monday, Feb 10th is the year's First Official Practice. If you plan to participate in Track & Field, you must be at practice. If you are currently in a Winter Sport, come out when your season is over. It's going to be a great season!
- Help Amador County’s homeless, foster, and students in need. Bring your Spring clothing and shoes (ages 0-19) to the big box next to Laura’s desk in the office.
- Get ready; our Winter Sports Rally is coming up on February 13th, and you won’t want to miss it! This year’s theme for the big game is Glow Big or Go Home, so it’s a NEON OUT! Make sure to wear your brightest neon gear with our Glow Big or Go Home t-shirts for just $5. You can grab one outside by the quad. P.S. Staff, you will get a FREE t-shirt if you show up at the big game.
- Winter formal tickets are being sold in the Quad. Tickets will cost $20 without an ASB card and $15 with an ASB card. Winter Formal is on Friday, February 14th, at the Sutter Creek Auditorium. Pizza will be available to buy at the dance. The theme is "Love In The Air" for Valentine’s Day.
- Guest Dance Forms for Winter Homecoming are now available in the front office. All students wanting to bring a non-Argonaut guest to Winter Homecoming must have a Guest Form completed and approved prior to purchasing their dance tickets. All completed forms are due Wednesday, February 12th. Please see Alena in the office with any questions.
- The deadline to sign up for the Senior Trip is Friday, February 14th! If you have not yet signed up for the Senior Trip but would like to attend, please see Alena in the office for an order form.
BBB FS/JV/V vs. Galt 4/5:30/7 @ Argonaut
Soccer, Boys JV/V vs. Rosemont 4:30/6:00 @ Rosemont
Soccer, Girls JV/V vs. Rosemont 4:30/6:30 @ Argonaut
B/G Wrestling vs. SVC Championship Tournament 12:00 PM @ Union Mine
Happy Birthday:
Natalie Abercrombie
Juliana Gonzalez-Gutierrez
Isabella Messier
Jayden Westmoreland
Ashton Coniglio