February 19, 2025
Wednesday, February 19 (A Day)
- The Yearbook photo for the Latinx Club will be taken today. Make sure to wear your club shirts.
- All students parking on campus must have a valid parking permit from the office. Students are only permitted to park in the student lot by the MPR. Make sure that your parking permit is visible and hanging from your rearview mirror at all times while parked on campus. See Alena in the office to get a parking permit.
- Attention freshmen, sophomores, and juniors! It is time to vote for your ASB officers for next school year! Head over to your Google classroom to cast your vote. Voting will close on Friday at 3 pm.
- Attention seniors: Please join us on Thursday, February 20th from 5:30 pm-6:30 pm in the Library for a FAFSA application night. A representative from the California Student Aid Commission will be presenting and assisting with the FAFSA application process and answering any questions you or your family members might have regarding the FAFSA application. Please bring a parent/guardian and your Chromebook. Remember, the priority FAFSA deadline for Cal Grant consideration is March 2nd.
- The next cemetery clean-up will take place on Saturday, February 22, from 10 am to 1 pm. See Mrs. Floyd to sign up and earn community service hours.
- Attention all juniors: RYLA Leadership Camp 2025 applications are now available in the Counseling Office! Be part of a week-long leadership training program with social activities during the summer weeks of June 15th to June 20th or June 22nd to June 27th. Applications and your short essay are due Thursday, February 20th by 3:00 pm to the Counseling Office. Mandatory interviews are scheduled for February 26th.
- It's time for Miss Ione!! If you are 16-18 years old and live in Ione, come run in the Miss Ione Scholarship.
- Volunteer Hours Opportunity: The Jackson Elks Lodge is looking for servers for their Crab Feed this Saturday, February 22nd starting at 4 pm. They are located at 12500 Kennedy Flat Road. Contact Jodi at (209) 256-5225 asap to sign up.
Girls Varsity Soccer vs. CIF/SJS Play-Offs – 6:00 PM @ Argonaut
Happy Birthday:
Tyler Trantham